Ikuo Mizuuchi's "thoughts"
Created on September, 14th, 1996
日本語は ここ をクリック.(まだ無いけど)
Wed, Dec 25, 1996
These days, I've been programming for onbody processors, in order to
achieve my plan. The program will measure the feedback error of each
servo motor. But, a routine for communication between onboard
processors might have some bug. I am using I^2C-bus for
communication. The bus-interface is useful because it can make
connections between any numbers of processors. But it is difficult to
know what is happening when bus-arbitration occurs. I am struggling
with it.
I hope I can remove the bugs within this year.
Sat, Nov 23, 1996
Well, I have thought about my research for quite long time. Now I
am deciding what I will do in my master thesis.
I will enable robot to sense how much energy he consumed. I will
try to let robot make his moving sequence by himself, using learning
algorithm. The evaluation standards used when learning are, I am
going to take, (1)decrease energy consumption (2)increase
advance(walk, or crawl).
I will try other verious moving sequences. Through the trial, I hope,
the sequence that human cannot give the robot might be risen up.
In other word, if the sequence robot will obtain is superior to one
human gives the robot in "one by one" way.
Sat, Sep 14, 1996
"about my research" is made.
I haven't made a page about my research since I made my home page. It
might be partly because I wondered how I should specify what I want to
make and how I should promote my research.
Even now I have same wonder, but I thought if I become to write about
my research on my page, I would think of my research more practically.
So I will try to write about my thought of the research. If you
notice something that I don't seem to notice, or if you have something
to say when reading "my research", or if you have something to
propose, please e-mail to me. I am always waiting for your comment.